It is our deepest concern to teach people to listen to their heart and to learn to rely on their natural given intuition. To us this is a requirement in order to live a fulfilled and self-determined life. It is the key to success.
Every human being who trains their emotional intelligence and uses it contributes to more understanding and compassion for themselves and others. Our goals is to spread and teach the technique of Fogo Sagrado worldwide.

A.A. Jones
Clairvoyant from childhood on with a special connection to the afterworld
Andrea Persun learned to channel her special gift through Fogo Sagrado to help people and animals through difficult transitions as well as opening up their full potential.
A.A. Jones has worked in corporate fitness for over 18 years teaching yoga, Pilates, dance, Aerial as well as nutrition and lifestyle.
She's also a well renown dog behaviorist using her intuitive abilities to make people understand their companions better helping with decisions on training, surgeries, and euthanasia when the end is near. Training people and animals to live better.

James Michael Hill
James Michael Hill is one of the first Certified Fogo Sagrade practitioner born in the USA. Coming from a long lineage of native American heritage he has a strong Native American soul.
After the passing of his father in 2015 his desire to cultivate his intuitive powers greatly increased. This is when he embarked on a heartfelt journey of the soul embracing Fogo Sagrado as a way of dealing with grief and helping heal others.
James Michael Hill worked in corporate America for over 25 years as well as pursuing a successful acting and film making career in Los Angeles.
He works with artist and businesses to overcome blocks and reach their full potential.